Reeseville Ridge Nursery
Reeseville Ridge Nursery   

Descriptive Price List


Reeseville Ridge Nursery
512 South Main Street

Phone 920-927-3291920-927-3291 Email

Spring 2025

Retail Catalog Terms and Key to symbols on back page

Please note: Orders for 1 each of more than 25 species will be charged a surcharge of 25%. Quantity Pricing, 25 of a species at 60% list price ( exp. $4.00 x .60 = $2.40 ), 100 of a species at 50% list price

Abeliophyllum distichum           White Forsythia
An arching shrub to 6' with white forsythia-like flowers in early spring with sweet fragrance. Deep green foliage which turns purple and yellow tones in fall. Zone 4 6-8"   5.00

Acanthopanax sieboldiana         Fiveleaf Aralia
An arching shrub with glossy green palmately compound leaves. The stems are armed with short thorns. Plant grows well in medium shade. Zone 5 12" 5.00

Acer campestre                                  Hedge Maple
Wide growing, dense medium height tree. Yellow fall color. Zone 5    2026 next crop

Acer x freemanii Nat.                         Freeman Maple
A hybrid between red and silver maple which has maroon and red fall color and a growth rate similar to silver maple. Bark tends to be smooth gray black till 1' diameter. Zone 3 Plugs 5.00

Acer leucoderme E USA                            Chalk Maple
Dwarf form of Sugar Maple which grows on dry exposures in the southern USA. Maturing to a small 35’ tall globe form tree. Zone 5 3-6"    6.00

Acer pensylvanicum E USA                            Striped Maple
An understory tree which does best in shade. Has very large leaves which turn butter yellow in fall. The bark is green with white stripes vertically. In good-sited trees the bark will remain green and white to 8" diameter. Zone 4     3"    5.00

Acer pictum                                                           Painted Maple
Medium size Maple with a dense branching habit, leaves smaller than A. truncatum. Good yellow to red fall Color. Zone 5 Next crop 2026

Acer pseudo-sieboldianum                                Korean Maple
Small multi stemmed tree, foliage similar to Acer palmatum, wonderful red fall color. Zone 3.                                                     Plugs   6.00

Acer rubrum Native                                                Red Maple
A tree of all seasons. Gray to red twigs in winter, red flowers in early spring before the leaves, red fruit while developing, brilliant yellow-orange-red-maroon fall color. Zone 3. 6-12" 4.00

Acer saccharinum Native                                       Silver Maple
A large fast-growing river bottom tree. Tolerates most soils and provides shade quickly. Foliage has silver lower surface which is showy in the breeze. Fall color yellow. Zone 2.
12-18" 4.00

Acer saccharum Native                              Sugar Maple
Grows to its finest on rich upland soils. Intolerant of soggy soil. Wonderful oval form in age and beautiful yellow-orange-red fall color. Zone 3. 6-12” 4.00

Acer spicatum Native                        Mountain Maple
Small understory maple with yellow-green upright flowers. Often deep red fruit sumaras in mid-summer. Fall color from yellow to pink to burnt orange. Zone 3. 6-12"   5.00

Acer triflorum                                Three-flowered Maple
Hardy, -35F, small tree, flaking cinnamon/gray bark, red fall color. Zone 3.
Sold out

Acer truncatum                                   Shantung Maple
A maple with small Norway Maple shaped leaves, squared at the petiole end. The fall color is a very nice red. Zone 5. next crop 2026

Actinidia kolomikta                           Kiwi Vine
Vigorous vine, lustrous green foliage, male plants have white/pink overpainting, edible yellow fruit. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Actinidia polygama                                Silvervine
A Kiwi vine with male plants having a silver overpainting to the leaf. Edible 1.5" yellow fruit on female vines. Vining to 15'. Zone 4.    2.5" pots  5.00   Male and Female RC  6.00 Ready June 2025

Actinidia kolomikta             'Arctic Beauty'

Male form with colorful pink leaf tips. Zone 4   RC    5.00


Actinidia kolomikta           'Red Beauty'

Female form with small red fruit. Zone 4   Sold out


Actinidia arguta                   ' Meader'

Male form used as a pollinator for Actinidia 'Geneva'.  Zone 5  Pots 6.00


Actinidia arguta                       'Geneva'

Female selection for good sweet green fruit. Zone 5  Pots 6.00


Actinidia arguta                        'Ann'

Heavy fruiting female selection with sweet green fruit.  pots 6.00

Aesculus glabra E USA                             Ohio Buckeye
A medium sized tree with a coarse texture and creamy white flowers in early summer. Glossy brown nuts in fall. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00     

Aesculus hippocastanum                   European Horse Chestnut
A large coarse branched tree with deep green leaves, white flowers and brown nuts. Useful in Moist cool summer regions and as a rootstock for Baumanii. Zone 4. sold out

Aesculus octandra E USA                   Yellow Buckeye
A tall stately tree which from a distance appears much like a Shagbark Hickory. Leaves are a rich clean green. The fall color on some specimens is a butter yellow. The nuts are in larger clusters than most species and the husks do not have spines. Zone 4. 6-12"    $5.00

Aesculus parviflora SE USA               Bottlebrush Buckeye
A shrubby species with the ability to form colonies. Flowers are a tall spike of airy white flowers in mid-summer. Zone 4. pots   5.00

Aesculus parviflora serotina SE USA      Alabama Bottlebrush
A slightly larger growing shrub which blooms 3-4 weeks later than the species. When mixed with the above, it will extend the blooming season. Zone 4.   pots 5.00

Aesculus pavia E USA                                       Red Buckeye
Medium sized, wide tree with red flowers in early summer. Marginally hardy here in Zone 4, does well in Zone 5-6. 6 "   5.00   

Aesculus turbinata                             Japanese Horse Chestnut
A beautiful Horse Chestnut with great ability to withstand our dry summers and the drought of 1988 with all the foliage in great shape. A real standout when most Aesculus are bald in August from scorch and dry wind. Zone 4. 12-18"   6.00

Aesculus turbinata pubescens            Chinese Horse Chestnut
In form, this tree is similar to European Horse Chestnut. Its advantage is much better tolerance to drought. This was one of two species of tree Aesculus to hold leaf through our severe droughts of 1988 and 1991. Zone 4. 12-18" 6.00

Alnus crispa Native                                 Green Alder
An upland sand species growing to 8' as an understory shrub in Oak/Pine barren sites. Good wildlife browse and winter seed for small birds. Zone 2. 2.25" 4.00 "Ready June 2025

Alnus maritima E USA                              Seaside Alder
A dense growing shrub with foliage like a wide Willow leaf. Has the interesting character of
blooming its catkins in September. A nice display of cone-like fruit and open catkins at the same time. Zone 5. Pots  5.00 

Alnus rugosa Native                                        Speckled Alder
The stream bank Alder of northern Wisconsin and lowland marsh over most of the state. Grows to 20'. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 5.00

Alnus serrulata Native                                 Smooth Alder
A smaller growing species than the above, which occupies stream banks and wetlands in the eastern USA. Found into Illinois about a zone farther south than Alnus rugosa. Zone 5.
2.25" pot 5.00

Amelanchier arborea Native                       Downy Serviceberry
Tall multi stem shrub found throughout Wisconsin. Tolerates medium shade and flowers in mid-May here, bearing blue fruit in July. Yellow fall color. 25'. Zone 3.  pots   4.00


Amelanchier alnifolia   W USA                Plains Juneberry

Mid-height shrubs to about 6' tall, large juicy fruit in early July. Fruits used for jams and fruit pies. These tend to defoliate in August in the eastern states. Yellow fall color. Zone 3

6-12"      5.00

Amelanchier canadensis E USA                            Shadblow
(true Eastern US type)
A medium height, coarser branched shrub with showy white flowers and large 1/2" blue fruit in abundance. Glossy deep green foliage and yellow-orange fall color. 6-7'. Zone 3.                                        3- 6"  4.00

Amelanchier x grandiflora Native                    Apple Serviceberry
Medium height vase-shaped form with fine textured branching. Blue green foliage opens after the display of white flowers in early May. Fruits are reddish purple and quickly eaten by birds .Foliage is blue green with orange and red fall color, a plus in winter with the fine texture and slate gray bark. 40'. Zone 3. pots   5.00

Amelanchier laevis Native                                Allegheny Serviceberry
One of the first small trees to bloom in the understory of Wisconsin's woods. Flowers white before the purplish young leaves open. Fruits turn a bright red before ripening to purple, when birds leave them this long. Trees tend to have a pendulous fine branching and bright orange-red fall color.
Zone 3.   pots   5.00    12-18"   6.00

Amelanchier stolonifera Native                           Running Serviceberry
The lowest growing of our species, forming large colonies in open sun. Blue green foliage and very tasty blue fruit borne abundantly. Fall color yellow, small white flowers. 5'. Zone 3.                                    pots   4.00 

Amorpha canescens Native                              Leadplant
Open growing 2-4' shrub in prairie and Oak savanna. Green gray compound leaves and spikes of purple flowers with orange anthers in mid-summer. Zone 3.  plugs    5.00 Ready June 2025

Amorpha fruticosa Native                     Indigo Bush Amorpha
River bottom and flood plain shrub to 10'. Green legume foliage and spikes of purple flowers in summer. Clusters of tiny black-brown pods throughout winter. Zone 4.
12-18" 5.00


Amorpha nitens E USA                        Smooth Amorpha

A smaller species than A. fruticosa with plants reaching 3' tall. Flowers purple and orange, later followed by multi stem clusters of small black pods that persist into the winter.

Zone 4           2.5" pots    4.00  Ready June 2025

Ampelopsis arborea     SE USA                     Raccoon Grape
Strong growing vine with compound , lacy foliage which turns shades of orange and burgundy in the fall. Glossy black berries in clusters in September. Raccoon Grape grows naturally in river wetlands as far north as southern Illinois. Zone 6    6-12"  5.00

Ampelopsis cordata E USA                  American Porcelainberry
Light green leaves similar to grape with fruit going from pink to sky blue. Zone 4. 2yr 5.00

Andromeda glaucophylla Native                   Bog Rosemary
Low growing evergreen bog plant with blue green narrow leaves, small bell flowers. Requires moist acid soil to do well. Zone 2. SWC 5.00   2.25" pot 6.00

Aralia spinosa E USA                        Devil's Walking Stick
Also coarse and few branched shrub forming sizable colonies. Fruits larger and foliage not shiny green as the above species. This one has good fall color, orange to maroon. Both these species make a unique centerpiece during the winter, with the 6-8' stems covered in short spines. Zone 5.     1 yr   5.00

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Native                           Bearberry
Trailing, glossy-leaved evergreen forms large mats. Nice pea-sized red berries through winter. Maroon leaves from frost through winter. Prefers sandy soil or rocky ground and much sun.  Zone 1.                                 Pots    5.00 Ready June 2025

Aronia arbutifolia E USA                             Red Chokeberry
Fine texture in branching and foliage. Nice white flower clusters and bright red fruit persisting through winter. Fire red fall color. 10'. Zone 4. 6-12” 5.00  18"   6.00

Aronia melanocarpa elata Native                    Glossy Black Chokeberry
Dense colonial shrub found in both wet and dry sites. Nice rich glossy foliage and showy white flowers. Glossy pea-sized berries persisting through winter in small clusters. Bright red fall color,6' tall. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Aronia melanocarpa grandifolia E USA               Appleleaf Chokeberry
Larger in all respects. Deep green leaves. 4-6" clusters of white flowers and later 1/2" black berries. Fall color is yellow-orange-red in combination. 6-8' Zone 3. 6-12” 5.00

Aronia prunifolia E USA                      Purple Chokeberry
Very similar to Aronia melanocarpa grandifolia. Fruit purple-black. Zone 3. Sold out

Aristolochia durior E USA                       Dutchman's Pipe
High climbing large, light-green leafed vine, interesting pipe-like flowers and 4-6" round pods in fall. To enjoy the odd flowers, they should be grown on a trellis or grape arbor as they will be hidden by foliage on a fence. Zone 4. plugs  5.00

Aristolochia tomentosa C USA                  Wooly Pipevine
Dense vine growth ideal for narrow trellis screening. Large heart shaped leaves and curious smoking pipe like flowers. Zone 4    1 yr 5.00

Asimina triloba E USA                    Pawpaw
Tropical looking foliage, understory colonial tree, edible fruits. Illinois seed. Zone 4.

6"  6.00    

Betula alleghaniensis Native                   Yellow Birch
A large tree with trunk to 3'. Bark of young plants a varnished tan, yellow tan in middle age, gray black and platty in old age. Leaves a dark green to butter yellow in fall. Branching often, with a recurved sweeping nature, Zone 2. Pots  4.00 12-18" 5.00

Betula pumila glandulifera Native                      Bog Birch
A fine textured, shrubby species with small thick leaves and a good deal of red in the fall color. Grows only in wetlands. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 5.00 Ready June 2025

Betula lenta E USA                                    Sweet Birch
A fine textured, regularly branched tree with sweeping branches. Beautiful yellow fall color to contrast the black bark. Zone 3. 2.5” pot 5.00

Betula nigra Native                                   River Birch
River valley birch which grows to great size. Crown spread can reach 80'. Colorful cinnamon and white flaking bark until very old. Good plant if birch borer is a problem with Paper Birch. Does not like alkaline soil. Zone 3. 2.25" pot 5.00

Betula papyrifera Native                           Paper Birch
White barked birch often planted in groups and clumps in our landscapes. Will do well where the soil is cool and moist. NOT FOR HOT DRY SITES. Zone 2. 18"   5.00

Betula ‘Whitespire seedling’
White barked upright and narrow tree, will tolerate much drier and hot sites. Our seed is from the original 'Whitespire'. We do not consider this to the way to produce a cultivar, but all other plants of this species have also shown good borer resistance. Zone 3.

                         6-12”    4.00 Ready June 2025

Betula populilfolia E USA                      Gray Birch
A fast growing white barked species, narrow and strongly leadered tree. It's range is the Eastern U.S. Zone 3. 6-12” pot 5.00 Ready in June 2025


Betula ermani                                         Rock Birch
Ours from seed from the snow line of Mt. Fuji, Japan and has proven hardy here for 12 years. Smaller growing white to cream barked birch. Zone 4 2026

Betula lenta var. uber SE USA                                Roundleaf Birch
Rare birch form SE USA, Smaller growing than Yellow Birch and more graceful branching.
Zone 4  Crop uncertain

Bignonia capreolata E USA                      Crossvine
Rambling and climbing evergreen vine with narrow deep green leaves in pairs along the vine. Bright red/orange flowers in summer and occasional flat tan pods persisting during the winter. Zone 6   1 yr 5.00

Buxus sinica insularis                                 Korean Boxwood
A very hardy species with dense olive green foliage. To 6'. Bronze green color in winter. Zone 3.
RC 5.00

Buxus 'Wintergreen"                           Wintergreen Boxwood
Selection for better green winter color. Zone 3. RC 5.00

Buxus sinica insularis x sempervirens Hybrid Boxwood
Very uniform dense shrub, hemisphere shape and blue green leaves. Only slight bronze cast in winter. 4'. Zone 4. RC 5.00

Callicarpa americana SE USA                     Beautyberry
Treated as a perennial die down shrub here. Nice full shrub in a season with tiny pink flowers followed by iridescent purple berries in fall. 4' Zone 6. pots   5.00

Calycanths fertilis E USA                       Pale Carolina Allspice
Slightly smaller growing shrub with much more fruit produced. Zone 5. 6" 5.00

Calycanthus floridus E USA                       Carolina Allspice
A coarse shrub to 6' with deep green, highly scented leaves. Interesting purple-brown flowers in summer and globose tan fruits in winter. Quite tolerant of shade. Zone 5.

             6" 5.00  

Campsis radicans E USA                               Trumpetcreeper
Vigorous high climbing vine with large orange-red trumpet flowers during summer, much liked by hummingbirds. Few fruit pods by fall. Will sucker from the roots for some distance from the mother plant. Zone 4. 1 year 5.00

Carpinus caroliniana Native                      American Hornbeam
Small growing understory tree which will take deep shade. Muscled smooth gray bark, winged seeds and foliage red and orange fall color. Overall very fine texture. Zone 3.                     12-18"    6.00


Carya aquatica  S USA                                     Water Hickory

One of the most wet soil tolerant Hickory we find growing along sloughs. Unusual ridged nuts on larger trees. Zone 6   Pots 5.00


Carya cordiformis Native                                    Yellowbud Hickory
Large stately tree with fine deep green foliage and rich yellow fall color quite late. Nuts very bitter. Zone 3.                6-12" 5.00

Carya glabra E USA                          Pignut Hickory
Medium -large tree, small inedible nut is usually bitter, yellow fall color. Zone 4 Plug 5.00

Carya illinoienensis   E USA                          Pecan
Large majestic tree growing in the Mississsippi Bottomlands and hardy to southern Wisconsin. Ours are from Illinois seed and may not produce filled nuts in the most northern locations in Zone 5 due to too short a frost free season. Zone 5 Plugs 5.00

Carya laciniosa E USA                          Shellbark Hickory
Large tree, bark with long peeling straps, large edible nut, wetland species. Zone 5
6-12” 5.00


Carya myristicaeformis SE USA        Nutmeg Hickory

Rather rare species of Hickory growing to 100 ft. Ridges nut husks split nearly to the bottom to expose nuts with coloration like a nutmeg seed. Zone 6 

Plugs  6.00


Carya ovalis E USA                               Red Hickory

Similar to Carya tomentosa found growing on rather dry sites. The nuts are smaller than Carya tomentosa but they have a nice sweet flavor.  Zone 5      Plugs 5.00

Carya ovata Native                             Shagbark Hickory
Also a large tree with peeling straps of gray bark. Nuts very attractive to wildlife and people. Best trees have butter yellow fall color. Zone 4. 4" 4.00 6-12" 5.00

Carya tomentosa E USA                          Mockernut Hickory
Very large wide tree, large edible nut. Zone 5  6"    5.00 

Castanea dentata E USA                           American Chestnut
Coarse branched round headed tree which can attain large size. Showy white flowers in summer, followed by clusters of sharp bristled husks containing delicious nuts. Zone 3.
6-12" 5.00

Castanea pumila E USA                                Chinkapin
Round shrub to small tree with black acorn-like nuts enclosed in a bristly husk. Some resistance to Chestnut Blight. Zone 5b Sold out


Castanea pumila ashei  S USA       Ashe Chinkapin

More robust grower with larger nuts. Overall a larger growing tree. Zone 5  

Sold out


Catalpa bignonioides E USA                        Southern Catalpa
Large leafed coarse tree with clusters of white flowers speckled with purple in early summer followed by cigar-like pods in fall through winter. Bark is flaky on old plants.

Zone 4.               pots  5.00

Catalpa bungei                                 Oriental Catalpa
Wide and lower growing species to 40’. Zone 4  2026

Catalpa ovata                                     Chinese Catalpa
Somewhat finer textured species with clusters of pencil-sized pods. Smaller stature trees. Zone 4.                 6-12" 5.00

Catalpa speciosa E USA                        Northern Catalpa
Tall coarse tree with narrower habit than C. bignonioides. Ridged bark in age. Zone 3.
6-12” 4.00 12-18” 5.00

Ceanothus americanus Native                    New Jersey-Tea
Sub-shrub of our prairies and open savanna. Puffs of white flowers in July here, followed by flat clusters of seed pods which in late summer are a maroon color before ripening up black. Often browsed heavily by wildlife. 2'. Zone 3. 2.25" pot 5.00

Ceanothus ovatus Native                                       Inland Tea
More woody species here. Found on dry prairie and Jack Pine savanna. Dense glossy foliage with white puffs of flowers in May with fruit fully ripe in late July. 2' Zone 3.
2.25" pot 6.00

Celastrus scandens Native                           American Bittersweet
Climbing vine with showy orange capsules with red berries inside, borne at the end of its shoots. Seen wild along roads and at the edge of woods. Not as aggressive, but does form large colonies. Zone 4.    pots     5.00  Ready June 2025

Celtis laevigata E USA                                         Sugarberry
Ours are from a large tree in Milwaukee, WI, which is very hardy. Clean fine texture and no
witch's brooming. Gray bark covered with small plates. Zone 5. 6-12"  5.00

Celtis occidentalis Native                                  Hackberry
Seedling of local native trees. Great vase shaped tree in age, difficult in youth. Zone 3.
6-12" 4.00 18” 5.00

Celtis tenuifolia E USA                                   Dwarf Hackberry
Small tree to natural bonsai on very dry soils, often with a beautiful gnarled form. Heavy fruiting on small 3-4’ tall plants. Zone 4 6-12” 5.00

Cephalanthus occidentalis     Native                    Buttonbush
Tropical appearing mass wetland shrub. White globe flowers in mid-summer and round groups of terminal seed heads. Best plants have red seed heads in early fall, deep green shiny leaves in summer. One of the last plants to leaf out in spring. Wants temperatures near 80F. 8'. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Cercidiphyllum japonicum                                        Katsura-tree
Dense fine texture pyramidal tree in youth with heart-shaped blue green leaves. Yellow to reddish fall color. Quite fast growing and graceful. 60' Zone 4.12-18"   6.00

Cercis canadensis E USA                                     American Redbud
Medium sized understory tree, Likes alkaline soil. Heart shaped leaves and bright purple-pinkflowers all along the branches in May. Old trees have cinnamon red bark and 3-4" pods all winter. Foliage a good yellow fall color if not frosted. To grow successfully here, do not fertilize much and allow to go dormant early. This reduced our annual dieback markedly. Zone 4.    6-12" 5.00     12-18"   6.00


Chamaedaphne calyculata Native                        Leatherleaf
A low evergreen bog shrub. Small white bell flowers along the underside of its twigs. Glossy green in summer, bronze in winter. In our southern bogs it is often the only shrub and forms great masses. Farther north it is also in wet acid woods. Zone 1.

     2.25" pot 5.00

Chionanthus retusus                       Chinese Fringetree
Small round headed tree with fleecy white flowers and prolific blue drupe fruits. Zone 4.
3-6”    5.00

Chionanthus virginicus E USA                          Fringetree
Shrubby small tree in our climate. Deep green lustrous leaves, fleecy white flowers and blue fruit. Zone 4.  2.25" pot 5.00 Ready in June 2025

Cladrastis lutea E USA                                         Yellowwood
Fine textured medium sized tree with ash-like leaves and creamy white flowers in large clusters in early summer. Smooth gray bark and long panicles of small pods through the winter. Zone 4.                  6-12” 5.00

Clematis ligusticifolia W USA                         Western Clematis
Vigorous western species with small white flowers in mid-summer. Zone 3 2yr 5.00

Clematis virginiana Native                   Virgin's Bower
Our native vigorous Clematis with small creamy white flowers in late summer and plumes of seed in fall. Zone 3.            2 year 4.00

Clethra acuminata E USA                             Mountain Summersweet
Tall shrub found along moist mountain stream banks in the Applachains. Nice spikes of white flowers in mid-summer and glorious orange-brown peeling bark. Yellow fall color. Hardy in warm parts of zone 5. We are trying them in zone 4. 10-12' tall Zone 5.   

                    pots 5.00

Clethera alnifolia E USA                                 Summersweet
Eastern wetland shrub with a dense colonial habit and fragrant white spikes of bloom in summer.   6'. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Cocculus carolina E USA                            Snailseed Vine
Climbing vine, glossy foliage and clusters of red berries for show in fall, yellow fall color. Zone 6                  2.25" pot 5.00

Comptonia peregrina Native                             Sweetfern Sage
Low colonial shrubs of sandy soil and sun. Deep green serrate leaves with a strong fragrance. Catkin bloom and bur-like fruit. Roots are able to fix nitrogen so growth is strong even on nearly sterile soil sands. Zone 2. Divisions 4.00   3” pot 5.00

Cornus alternifolia Native                                 Pagoda Dogwood
Shrub maturing to a small tree. Ideal for a shady landscape. Creamy white flowers in early
summer, blue black fruit in July, and purple with yellow fall color. Nice horizontal branching.
Does not like hot dry sun. 20'. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Cornus amomum Native                               Silky Dogwood
Dark red twigs. Midnight blue fruit in late summer. 8'. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Cornus canadensis Native                          Bunchberry
Groundcover species of acid woodlands. 1" white bracts around flower similar to C. florida,
followed by bunches of bright red berries from July to September. Zone 2.

Cornus drummondii E USA                            Roughleaf Dogwood
Tall species slightly more coarse then C. racemosa. Creamy white flowers and clean white fruit clusters. Foliage colors to purple very late in fall. Best feature of this plant is little of the septoria leafspot problem found on C. racemosa. 12'. Zone 4. 6-12" 4.00  18"   5.00

Cornus foemina E USA                       Stiff Dogwood
Wetland species from southern Illinois, 6-7', narrow leaves for a Dogwood, purplish fall color. Zone 4. 6-12” 5.00


Cornus kousa chinensis                    Chinese Flowering Dogwood

A hardier sub-species for zone 4-5, flowering after the leaves are expanded, producing round 3cm red fruit. Nice tiered branching habit at maturity. Zone 5   18-24"  6.00

Cornus mas                                                   Cornelian Cherry
Small tree species with lustrous deep green leaves, small pale yellow flowers before the leaves in early spring. Bright red cherry-sized fruit in late summer which are edible and make a fine jam.              18"    6.00

Cornus obliqua E USA Pale Dogwood
Generally more southern version of Silky Dogwood, 10', prefers moist sites, pale blue fruit. Zone4               6-12"    5.00

Cornus racemosa Native                                  Gray Dogwood
5-6' colonial shrub found in most fence rows in Wisconsin. Creamy white flowers and white fruit. Fall color a nice purple. Rosy red fruit pedicels remain colorful long after the fruit has been eaten.Overall a fine textured shrub with gray bark in winter. Zone 3. 6-12" 4.00
18-24” 5.00

Cornus rugosa Native                                              Roundleaf Dogwood
Tall colonial shrub with luxurious foliage when happy on cool soil. Clusters of sky blue berries on pink pedicels. 10'. Zone 4. 2.5” pot 5.00

Cornus sericea Native                                 Redtwig Dogwood
Medium height shrub with white flowers, white fruit and red winter twigs which brighten to fire red in late winter. 6'. Zone 2. 6-12" 4.00          

Corylus americana Native                                            Hazelnut
Colonial shrub with very early catkin bloom. Edible nuts in August enclosed in a leaf-like husk. Fall color a good combination of yellow to red and purple. Will grow on very poor soil. Variable height from 4-8'. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Corylus cornuta Native                                           Beaked Hazelnut
A northern species which tolerates lots of shade. Early catkin bloom and edible nuts in September. Clear yellow fall color. 8'. If grown in southern areas with hot sun in summer, they need to have half shade to avoid leaf burn. Zone 3. Pots 6.00 Ready June 2025

Crataegus crus-galli Native                            Cockspur Hawthorn
A good rust resistant Hawthorn with deep green shiny leaves and nice persistent red fruit.
Species does have large thorns which limit its planting sites. Zone 3.  pots   5.00

Crataegus macracantha Native
Similar habit and size to C. crus-galli. Also good rust resistance. Has brighter red fruit.
Zone 4. 6-12” 5.00

Crataegus macrosperma Native                            Fleshy Hawthorn
Horizontal branching Hawthorn with glossy foliage, brick red fruit showy in fall. Zone 3.

Crataegus mollis Native                                          Downy Hawthorn
Large wide growing plants with showy flowers and bright red non-persistent fruit found on
clay soils over much of Wisconsin. Although susceptible to rust and often without leaves
from August on, the species is a dominant plant in our river bottom ecosystems where they are progressing from open grassland. Zone 3.  Sold out

Crataegus phaenopyrum E USA                            Washington Hawthorn
An upright tree with good flower show and persistent orange fruit in cluster. Fall color
yellow to orange. Quite resistant to rust and the thorns are numerous but short. Zone 4.
12-18” 5.00

Diervilla lonicera Native                      Dwarf Bush -Honeysuckle
The native type with green new growth and low growth, 18", forming massive colonies in
sunny sites on generally poor soil. Rich fall color yellow-red-maroon. Small terminal yellow
flowers which fade to orange just prior to falling. Zone 2.    pots  5.00 

Diervilla sessilifolia E USA                      Southern Bush-Honeysuckle
More robust grower to 4' with reddish new growth, somewhat reddish all season. Zone 3.
SWC 5.00

Diervilla 'Copper’                      Copperleaf Bush - Honeysuckle
Stoloniferous shrub to 2-1/2' with copper new foliage in flushes through the season.

Zone 3.             6-12"    5.00

Diospyros virginiana E USA                           Persimmon
Medium height tree, much taller than wide. Interesting scale-like bark, edible plum sized fruit borne along the stems. Zone 4.        18"   6.00

Dirca palustris Native                      Leatherwood
A very shade tolerant shrub found even in Sugar Maple woods. When in shade the plants have horizontal branching and much character. Small yellow flowers before the leaves in early spring before much else is active. To 6'. Zone 3. Sold out

Epigaea repens Native                     Trailing Arbutus
Ground hugging spreading evergreen. Fragrant white to pink flowers in early May here. Needs acid soil and seems to do best in leaf mold. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 5.00

Euonymus americanus E USA                   Strawberry-bush Euonymus

Shrubby bushes to about 6' tall and spreading to make a colony. Bright pink soft bristled fruits in the fall that split to expose orange-red berries. a good mixing shrub for background plantings. Tolerates both wet and dry sites. Zone 6   3-6" 5.00

Euonymus atropurpurea Native                     Eastern Wahoo
Our native Euonymus in Wisconsin. Large colonial shrub with good red fall color and pale pink fruits. We are working with selection for powdery mildew resistance. Zone 3.

pots    6.00 Ready June 2025

Euonymus obovatus E USA                Running Strawberry Euonymus
An American native groundcover with deciduous leaves and large bristled red fruit capsules. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Evodia daniellii                          Korean Evodia
A small tree in zone 5-6 with Ash-like foliage and large cluster of seed capsules which are red in
late summer, opening in late fall to small black seeds. Zone 6. pots   5.00

Fagus grandifolia Native                    American Beech
Large climax forest tree with edible nuts in small bristly burs, lustrous green leaves in summer and copper fall color. Winter texture very fine with smooth gray bark even in great age. Zone 3.            plugs  5.00

Fagus sylvatica                                         European Beech
Also a large tree that prefers cool soil. Great as the species or useful as a rootstock for any of the cultivars. Zone 3.  pots   6-12"  5.00

Foresteira acuminata E USA                     Swamp Privet
Small multi-stem tree or large shrub with rich blue-green Privet-like leaves. Small blue olive fruits in mid summer. Grow to its best on wet to moist rich soils in full sun. 6-12" 5.00

Foresteira ligustrina C USA                     Lime Barren Privet
Smaller extremely drought tolerant shrub, blooms in zone 5 in the fall with small yellow flowers. Bloom attracts honeybees as such a late season bloomer. In its native haunts the flowers are followed by small blue drupes in clusters. Zone 5    2026

Fothergilla gardenii E USA                      Small Fothergilla
Small dense shrub with short bottlebrush white flowers and wonderful fall color, combines
yellow-orange-red. 3-4' Zone 4. 2.5” pot 6.00

Fothergilla major' Mt. Airy'    E USA               Mt. Airy  Large Fothergilla
Tall shrub similar to Witchhazel, but with the white bottlebrush flowers and nice fall color.
Zone 4. 2.25" pot 6.00

Forsythia 'Meadowlark'
6-8' shrub with rich heavy green foliage and covered with clear yellow flowers even after -35F Upright habit and purple fall color. Zone 3. SWC   5.00

Forsythia suspensa                     Weeping Forsythia
Large yet fine textured shrub that mounds upon itself to about 6-8'. Good flower display about
1 in 2 years here. Zone 4. 6-12"  5.00 Ready in June 2025


Fraxinus quadrangulata E USA                                    Blue Ash
Round headed Ash also found rarely in wetlands in Southeastern Wisconsin. Four winged young branches. Foliage similar to Walnut. Zone 5.    Sold out

Gaultheria hispidula Native                   Creeping Snowberry
Very low tiny leaved evergreen which grows in wet moss soils in deep shade, bearing small white
Styrofoam-like berries. Needs acid soil, very little summer sun. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 5.00

Gaultheria procumbens                          Native Wintergreen
Stoloniferous glossy leaved evergreen groundcover. Small bell flowers and bright red berries which ripen fully in the second spring here. Winter color of leaves is purple-maroon. Crushed leaves have the Wintergreen fragrance. Zone 2.    2.25" pot 5.00 

Gaylussacia baccata Native                          Black Huckleberry
Low colonial shrub bearing small bell flowers and blue or black sweet berries. Bright red fall color. Needs acid soil and best in light shade. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Ginkgo biloba                            Ginkgo
Unusual broadleaf conifer growing slowly to great size. Tolerant of air pollution. Female trees bear plum like yellow fruit at about 30 yrs of age, very foul smelling. Zone 4
Treepot 5.00

Gleditsia aquatica  S USA        Water Locust

Mid to large tree of the river bottom wetlands with large multi pronged thorns on the trunk and branches. Compound leaves with tiny leaflets, single seeded tan pods in the winter.

Zone 5 to 6.  Pots   5.00


Gleditsia tricanthos                 Honey Locust

These are the more common very thorny wild form. Branched thorns to 8" long on the trunk   .Zone 4      plugs     5.00 Ready June 2025


Gleditsia triacanthos inermis E USA        Thornless Honey Locust

Large trees with double compound leaves and tiny leaflets; overall these cast a light shade under the canopy. Yellow fall color and long curled pods on the female trees. Zone 4   6-12"  5.00 Ready in June 2025

Gymnocladus dioica Native Kentucky Coffeetree
Large coarse branched tree with double compound leaf which lends a lacy texture in summer. Flaky plates on the bark add winter character. Female trees have 4-8" thick black pods which hang through the winter. Golden yellow fall color. Zone 3. 6-12” 5.00

Halesia caroliniana E USA                   Carolina Silverbell
Small tree here with branches covered in 1" white bells in May. Tan dry fruits to 2" which cover limbs into early winter. Zone 4. 24"   7.00

Halesia monticola E USA                         Mountain Silverbell
Larger growing species, 60' or more, flowers much as the above species. Zone 4.
Sold out

Hamamelis vernalis SC USA                       Vernal Witchhazel
Spring blooming Witchhazel, yellow flowered well before the leaves in very early spring. Summer foliage a rich blue green with yellow and occasional red fall color. Fruit capsules explode on ripening. 6-12'. Zone 4. 6-12" 5.00    

Hamamelis virginiana Native                             Common Witchhazel
Late fall blooming species until very hard freeze. Yellow flowers and yellow fall foliage. Branches Often covered with fruit capsules and flowers after the leaves drop. 15-20'. Zone 3.                 6-12" 5.00  

Hydrangea arborescens E USA                         Smooth Wild Hydrangea
Most common wild form of the species with colonial habit and small greenish white flowers in heads with a few if any sterile showy flowers. Good for soil erosion control on shady slope. Zone 3. 2.5” pot 5.00 Ready June 2025

Hydrangea arborescens grandiflora E USA                     Showy Hydrangea
One of the sterile types originally found in the wild with 4" wide flower heads on sturdy erect stems which do not topple in rain and wind. Flowers pure white when in full bloom. Tan flower heads persist through winter. Zone 3   2.25 pot 5.00

Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'                   Annabelle Hydrangea
Cultivar selected by J. C. McDaniel in Illinois for large sterile flower heads made up of smaller but more numerous individual flowers held up on stems slightly shorter than the 'Grandiflora' cultivar. Flower heads to more than 12" across. Zone 4. Pots    5.00 ready june 2025

Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora'                 PeeGee Hydrangea
Shrub to small tree-form plants with cone shaped white sterile flower heads in late summer which gradually turn pink with age. Flower heads remain through winter as a tan accent. Zone 3.  6-12" 5.00


Hypericum buckleyi  SE USA             Buckley Hypericum

Water loving low growing high mountain shrub found growing on shallow soil and often on wet rocks. Yellow summer flowers and maroon to orange-red fall color. Forms beautiful mats on wet rocky sites in full sun. Zone 5    Pots 5.00 Ready in June 2025

Hypericum densiflorum E USA              Dense St. Johnswort
Eastern mountain species with profuse small bright yellow flowers. Grows in wet soils along mountain streams. Foliage lustrous green. 3'. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00 Ready June 2025

Hypericum frondosum E USA                    Golden St. Johnswort
Large yellow flowered species, 2" across. Hemisphere-shaped plants to 3' with blue green
leaves and yellow red fall color. Some leaves are nearly evergreen here. Winter bark peeling to cinnamon. Seed capsules add winter interest. Zone 4. SWC 5.00 Ready  June 2025

Hypericum kalmianum Native                   Kalm St. Johnswort
Our native species in Wisconsin. Nice narrow dense blue green foliage, red fall color. Sulfur yellow flowers .75" across in profusion. Dark tan winter seed capsules and cinnamon peeling bark. 2.5'. Zone 3. SWC 5.00

Hypericum prolificum E USA                    Shrubby St. Johnswort
Globe form species with narrow green leaves, yellow to red fall color, and great show of
small yellow flowers .5" across, very fine texture all seasons and covered in tiny tan seed
capsules all winter. Pretty peeling bark. Zone 3. SWC 5.00 6-12" 6.00

Ilex verticillata Native                    Winterberry Holly
Native deciduous Holly of sands and swamp soils. Requires adequate moisture and does not like highly alkaline soil. Tiny white flowers in June followed by .25" bright red fruits on the females in fall, covering the stems into winter if not taken by birds. 10'. Zone 3.
pots 4.00        Separated Female and Male pots   5.00    18"    6.00

Ilex v. 'Winter Red'                        Winter Red Winterberry Holly
A female cultivar with dark green glossy foliage and larger than usual bright red berries.
Zone 3. pots   5.00


Ilex vert. 'Southern Gentleman'    Southern Gentleman Winterberry Holly

A good male pollinator for 'Winter Red'.    Zone 3    pots 5.00


Itea virginica E USA                        Virginia Willow

Streambank shrub with with racemes of flowers followed by small brown capsules. Great red-orange fall color. Grows from 3-6' tall in colonies. Zone 5   6-12"   5.00

Juglans cinerea Native                    Butternut, White Walnut
Wide spreading tree with large compound leaves, excellent flavor nuts in a sticky husk. Gray bark with tight straps, very coarse branching form in winter. 50-60'. Zone 3.
12-18"    6.00

Juglans nigra Native                         Black Walnut
Tall large tree with compound foliage and coarse branching. Some yellow fall color and round edible nuts in large green husks, loved by squirrels. Black furrowed bark. 100'

Zone 4.         12-18"   5.00

Kalmia angustifolia E USA                          Sheep Laurel
Low growing shrub of acid sandy soils. Gray green narrow leaves and small pink flowers in
spring. Foliage evergreen with older leaves having red fall color. Zone 3.

2.25" pot    5.00  Ready June 2025

Kalmia latifolia E USA                      Mountain Laurel
Tall evergreen shrubs with glossy deep green leaves and very showy pink flowers in spring. Acid soils and shade in our climate to avoid winter burning. Zone 4.

2.25" pot 5.00

Kalmia polifolia Native                     Bog Laurel
Our native Laurel in northern Wisconsin bogs. Glossy narrow evergreen leaves with old
lower foliage a fire red into winter. Pretty pink flowers on delicate branches. A plant best sited with other bog species as it never forms a dense shrub. Zone 2.  2.5" pots 5.00

Kolkwitzia amabilis                                  Beautybush
A large shrub with a fine textured form much like a Honeysuckle. Arching branches covered in 1-2" clusters of pink flowers with orange specks in May, very showy. Fall show of clusters of small fuzzy dry seeds which are reddish brown. 12'. Zone 4.   2026

Ledum groenlandicum Native                        Laborador-tea 
Rhododendron-like evergreen shrub of wet acid forest and bogs. Deep green summer leaves with fuzzy white underside. Upper surface purple, lower rusty in winter. Clusters of delicate white flowers in June in Northern Wisconsin. 2'. Zone 1. 2.25" pot 5.00

Leucothoe fontanesia E USA                    Riverbank Leucothoe
Evergreen arching groundcover to 24” tall, terminal racemes of white flowers followed by tan capsules. Ours grown from seed from 6000ft elevation in North Carolina. It grows best on moist soils in light shade. Zone 5 2.5’ pot 5.00

Leucothoe racemosa E USA
Fine textured shrub with white flowers in racemes, many have nice red fall foliage color. Moist to dry acidic soils in full sun. Zone 5           6” 5.00

Leucothoe recurva E. USA Mountain Leucothoe
Pretty bell shaped white flowers in spring and fire red fall color leaves in the fall. Small tan capsules at the end of the twigs in the winter. Moist to dry acidic soils in partial shade. Zone 5                  plugs     5.00 Ready June 2025

Lindera benzoin E US                           Spicebush
A dense tall shrub in sunny sites, open in shady sites. Green foliage with a hint of gray, very aromatic when crushed. Branches covered with bright glossy red 1/3" fruit in early fall, very pretty. Seems to like clay soils and tolerates lots of shade. Zone 2

. 6-12"   5.00 

Linnaea borealis  USA                      Twin-flower

Native pineland groundcover with bright green semi-evergreen leaves, the light pink flowers held above the foliage mat and look like miniature pair of bells. Many decorative streelights are modeled after this flower. Zone 2    plugs 5.00

Liriodendron tulipifera E USA                            Tuliptree
These are seedlings from trees that have done well in zones 4-5. Not as fast growing as seed from more southern areas. Grows to tall upright trees with tulip-shaped leaves and yellow green tulip-like flowers after the leaves have grown. Interesting cone-like seed fruits in fall and winter. Can become a huge tree to 150' plus. Zone 5.  18"    5.00

Lonicera canadensis   Native                          Fly Honeysuckle
Shrub of cool shady northern forests. Deep green leaves, pale creamy flowers before the leaves in very early spring, and bright red .5" berries in early summer. Yellow fall color. Zone 2.   Pots 5.00 next crop for June 2025

Lonicera dioica Native                       Red Vine Honeysuckle
Less vigorous mounding vine with deep blood red flowers in early summer/late spring. Zone 3.  RC     5.00

Lonicera 'Dropmore Scarlet'
Vigorous vining hybrid of L. sempervirens and L. hirsuta, although much more like L.
Sempervirens in growth and flower. Rich green foliage with small red trumpet flowers through much of the summer. Few red fruit in fall. Zone 4. Pots  5.00

Lonicera x 'Heckrotti'               Goldflame Honeysuckle
Vigorous dense vine with red outer, yellow inner trumpet flowers, profuse, colorful, and fragrant. New leaves purplish, nearly evergreen. Zone 4. pots    5.00

Lonicera hirsuta Native                   Hairy Golden Honeysuckle
Sprawling vine in cool moist soils. Bright canary yellow to orange-yellow flowers and terminal clusters of red berries. Zone 2. pots    6.00

Lonicera oblongifolia Native                   Swamp Fly Honeysuckle
Low colonial shrub of moist soil. White flowers and red berries. Winter bark an interesting yellow tan. Zone 3.   Sold Out

Lonicera prolificum Native                             Yellow Vine Honeysuckle
Vigorous mat forming to low climbing vine with glaucous blue green leaves and pale yellow
flowers. Grows best in light Oak woods. Zone 3.  2.25" pot 5.00

Lonicera villosa Native                          Mountain Fly Honeysuckle
Low colonial shrub with thick small blue green leaves, white flowers, and blue 1/3" berries in mid-summer. Prefers moist sunny soils. Zone 3.  3-6"   5.00

Lyonia ligustrina E USA                          Maleberry
Small shrub to 4' found in acid woods. Small white bell flowers clustered on two year wood.
Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00 Ready June 2025

Lyonia mariana E USA                        Staggerbush
3' shrub with lustrous deep green leaves, apple blossom pink bell flowers clustered at twig tips.  Zone 6. 2.25" pot 5.00

Maackia amurensis                        Amur Maackia
Small Ash-like leaved tree with mid-summer creamy white flowers in multi-racemes. Small flat pods in winter. Bark a smooth green brown, new foliage a blue green and silky.

Zone 3.                2.25" pot 5.00

Magnolia acuminata E USA                    Cucumber Magnolia
Large central leadered tree with large 8" leaves. Flowers yellowish after the leaves. Pyramidal in youth but becoming widespread like a White Oak. Fruits are pink-purple in the fall while the leaves turn a combination of yellow and tan. Furrowed light brown bark. Zone 3.      Pots 5.00  Ready June 2025

Magnolia a. cordata SE USA                                 Yellow Cucumber Tree
Smaller growing, only a small tree with wider shorter leaves and yellow flowers. Zone 4.
Sold out

Magnolia kobus                                   Kobus Magnolia
Small roundheaded tree to 25', 4" deep green leaves and showy wide-petaled flowers covering the tree in early May before the leaves. Fruits pink in early fall.
Zone 3.  6-12" 5.00

Magnolia kobus borealis
Robust form with a good central leader and reaching 70' tall. Shape much like Sugar Maple for atLeast 40 years. Flowers white with pink anthers. Zone 3. pots   Sold out

Magnolia macrophylla E USA                                Bigleaf Magnolia
Medium sized coarse tree with huge leaves like a banana plant. Flowers creamy white to 10" and fragrant. Fruits are 4" x 3" and yellow-pink , fuzzy. 30'. Zone 5. 3” 5.00

Magnolia salicifolia                          Anise Magnolia
Upright pyramidal tree with highly scented foliage, yellowish twigs, and 2-3" fragrant pure white flowers before the leaves. 30'. Zone 4. 3-6"  5.00

Magnolia stellata                               Star Magnolia
Small dense horizontal branching trees, covered in showy white flowers with 3/4" wide petals well before the leaves in early May. Winter buds fuzzy gray, gray bark. Zone 3.
6" 5.00

Magnolia stellate 'Leonard Messell'           Leaonard Messell  Pink Star Magnolia
Slightly larger growing and the flowers are a soft pink. Zone 3. pots  6-12"  7.00

Magnolia tripetala E USA                         Umbrella Magnolia
Medium height coarse branched tree with very large leaves. Creamy white flowers after the leaves. Perhaps its showiest time is fall when they are full of 4-6" pink cylindrical fruits which are colorful for more than a month. Zone 4. pots 5.00 Ready June 2025

Magnolia virginiana E USA                          Sweetbay Magnolia
Small rather open semi-evergreen tree with very fragrant white flowers. Most flowers in early summer with a few all summer long. Showy bright red 1-2" fruits in September. Prefers slightly acid moist soil. Zone 5. 6-12"   5.00

Magnolia x loebneri                         Lobner Magnolia
Hybrid between M. kobus and M. stellata. Size more like M. kobus with flowers having more petals, 12 or more. Zone 3. 6” 5.00


Magnolia 'Ann'

A cross between M. liliflora and M. stellata with vase shaped purple/pink exterior, pink/white interior to the flowers. Zone 5   Sold out

Malus coronarius Native                            Sweet Crabapple
Native green fruited crab with pure pink flowers and attractive gray winter bark. Very susceptible to leaf scab and rust which often defoliates the tree in late summer. Useful in natural settings.  Zone 4.     pots 5.00 Ready June 2025

Malus ioensis Native                                             Prairie Crabapple
The crab of forest and prairie edge with clear pink flowers and sticky green apples. Also
susceptible to leaf diseases. Very tangled branching with pretty gray bark during winter. Zone 4.  pots 5.00 Ready June 2025

Menispermum canadense Native                     Moonseed Vine
Dense twining vine with deep green somewhat Maple-leaf shaped leaves. Will cover fences quickly In sun or shade. Clusters of .5" dark blue fruit in fall. Yellow fall color.

Zone 3.              2.25” pot 5.00

Menzesia pilosa E USA                       Minibush
Low shrub with the form and character of an Azalea. Flowers are tiny pink white bells. Fall coloryellow or red. Bark peeling. 2-4'. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Mitchella repens Native                       Partridgeberry
Prostrate groundcover in light to deep shade. Lustrous dark green leaves, 3/4" small white bell flowers held above the leaves in May, followed by bright red berries in fall. Evergreen. Zone 3.             2.25" pot 5.00

Morus rubra Native                       Red Mulberry
Small tree with very large leaves. An umbrella shaped tree in age, bearing red-black edible fruits in summer in several successive crops. Zone 4.     Sold out


Myrica cerifera   SE USA               Wax Myrtle

Taller growing southern species that is often used as a screening border shrub. Gray green often deeply cut leaves and small waxy berries held all winter.  Zone 6  

                                                       6"  5.00

Myrica gale Native                                       Sweetgale
Water loving shrub to 5', found in Wisconsin along the edges of lakes and streams where the soil is always wet. Blue green leaves and small Birch-like fruit catkins. Zone 2.
 2.25" pot 5.00  


Myrica heterophylla  East Coast USA      Cedar Bayberry

Similar to Northern Bayberry with darker green leaves and nearly black waxy berries. Cedar Bayberry prefers wet locations and is usually found among Atlantic White Cedar as an understory shrub. Zone 5        plugs  5.00

Myrica pensylvanica EUSA                    Northern Bayberry
Semi-evergreen colonial shrub of sand dunes and seaside areas. Gray green foliage in summer and purple in winter. Twigs surrounded by small BB-sized gray blue fruit with a fragrant wax until mid-winter. Does fine here on heavy clay soils. Zone 5.
3-6" 4.00 6-12” 5.00   18-24"   10.00

Nemopanthus mucronatus Native                           Mountain Holly
Fine textured Holly-like shrub with blue green leaves growing to 10'. Always on wet acid soils here, although found on upland moist soil in the Applachians. Showy display of satin red fruit in mid to late summer, red with a hint of black and very attractive. Zone 2.

2.5” pot 5.00

Neviusia alabamensis SE USA                         Snow Wreath
Shrub of arching branches much like a Ninebark. Covered in fleecy white flowers in late spring. Reddish brown winter bark. Zone 3. 2026

Nyssa sylvatica E USA                       Black Tupelo
Tall narrow tree when on slightly acid soil. Lustrous deep green leaves with beautiful yellow-orange-red fall color. Female trees loaded with .5" blue drupe fruits in groups of 1-3, ripening in September with the fall color. Zone 4.    12-18"   6.00

Ostrya virginiana Native                                Hop-hornbeam
Pyramidal small tree with Elm-like branches and leaves. Quite fine textured. Has done well in urban street plantings. Curious short catkins of seed in small inflated sacs, persist into winter. Zone 2.    12-18"    6.00

Oxydendrum arboreum E USA                            Sourwood
Medium sized narrow upright tree with lustrous dark green leaves, flowers in large terminal
panicles, white bells, fragrant in late June. Foliage color yellow-red-purple in the fall and drooping panicles of small seed capsules all winter. Needs acid soil and tolerates waste mine, acid rubble. Zone 5. 2.25" pot 5.00


Parthenocissus quinquefolia Native                          Virginia Creeper

Vigorous palmately compound leafed vine, quickly climbs over most anything. Red-purple fall color and clusters of blue grape-like fruit. Zone 3. 1yr 4.00

Parthenocissus 'Engelmannii'                        Engelmann Ivy
Our strain is vigorous with smaller glossy green leaves, nice fall color and will easily climb walls. Zone 4. 2.25” pot 4.00

Parthenocissus inserta Native                     Virginia Creeper
Our native version of this high climbing vine, our selection with vivid red fall color. Zone 3
1yr 4.00 June

Parthenocissus tricuspidata                      Boston Ivy
Trifoliate vine when young becoming simple leaf as they mature. Glossy deep green with maroon and red fall color. Abundance of clusters of blue berries in the fall. Will cover walls with ease.      Zone 4. plugs 5.00

Paxistima canbyi E USA                                   Cliffgreen
Fine textured low evergreen groundcover, with bright green shiny leaves. Dense habit and not very aggressive. Bronze red here in winter if not under snow. Sun or light shade.

Zone 4.                  Pots 6.00

Philadelphus coronarius                     Sweet Mockorange
Old fashioned single white flowered very hardy Mockorange. Tall shrub to 20' with an arching vase shape. We have seen very nice specimens trimmed into large oval globes. Zone 3.  12”   5.00

Physocarpus opulifolius Native                        Ninebark
Large arching shrub with creamy white spring flowers, reddish seed capsules in clusters. Colorful winter bark, yellow orange fall color. Zone 2. SWC 4.00 12-18" 5.00

Physocarpus o. 'Nanus'                         Dwarf Ninebark
Smaller growing with much smaller leaves and orange red fall color. Very nice display of creamy white spring flowers. Very useful in sunny hedges. Zone 3.
SWC 5.00

Populus balsamifera Native                            Balsam Poplar
Fast growing fairly wide tree which will form a colony. Shiny green leaf with white to tan
underside. Buds covered with a fragrant sticky sap. Bark a green yellow when young. Zone 3. Pots"  5.00


Populus deltoides  E USA                Eastern Cottonwood

Massive growing trees of the eastern and central US lowlands. Female trees produce large amounts of cottony seeds. Zone 3     Pots 4.00   Ready  June 2025


Populus grandidentata  Nat                      Bigtooth Aspen

Somewhat larger growing than P. tremuloides with gray foliage at bud break turning bright green. Bark is greenish white and smooth when young. Fall color with tones of orange.

Zone 3                        12-18"    6.00

Populus tremuloides Native                               Quaking Aspen
Fast colonial tree with greenish-white bark, nice clean leaves which tremble as the wind passes. Good yellow fall color. Natively forms large colonies. Zone 1.
12-18"   5.00


Potentilla fruticosa  Native        Shrubby Potentilla

An adaptable shrub to 4' tall and wide, bright yellow flowers from early summer to hard fall frost. Peeling tan bark with tan seed capsules in the winter season. Zone 3    pot   5.00

Potentilla tridentata Native                      Wine-leaf Potentilla
Creeping evergreen groundcover found on rocky acid soil, often in rock crevices. Small white flowers and wine red leaves in winter. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 5.00

Prunus americana Native                         American Plum
Colonial small tree which forms great thickets. White flowers in early May, later producing 1-2" yellow red plums. Zone 3. 12"  4.00 18-24" 6.00

Prunus besseyi W USA                           Western Sandcherry
Sprawling shrubs with shiny gray green leaves, white flowers, and great numbers of small 3/4" black cherries. Good red fall color. Zone 3.    12-18"  5.00

Prunus maackii                                 Amur Chokecherry
Medium sized tree with peach-like leaves, white flowers in racemes, and tiny black cherries. Its best feature is the light tan "varnished" bark in all seasons. Zone 3. Pots   5.00

Prunus maritima E USA                         Beach Plum
Low tree-like shrubs with white flowers and reddish 3/4" plums. Zone 3.  2026

Prunus pennsylvanica Native                         Pin Cherry
Small colonial tree with peach-like leaves, shiny red brown "varnished" bark, small white flowers in abundance followed by tiny red cherries. When the plants are full of fruit, you would think they were in bloom from a distance. Great bright red fall color. Zone 2

6-12"    5.00

Prunus pumila Native                          Eastern Sandcherry
Plants much like P. besseyi, except the leaves are dark green and the fall color is brilliant red.
4-6'. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Prunus pumila susquehana Native                     Dwarf Sandcherry
Low growing sand soil plant with wide, almost round leaves, white flowers, black cherries, and fire red fall color. Found here growing with low bush Blueberry. Zone 2.
6-12” 5.00 Ready in June 2025

Prunus serotina Native                              Black Cherry
Large tree with dark green foliage, white racemes of bloom, and racemes of 1/3" black cherries. Yellow to red fall color. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Prunus tomentosa                                     Nanking Cherry
Small tree to 10' with deep green fuzzy leaves, White flowers, and bright red fuzzy cherries. Zone 3.      18"   5.00   2-3'   7.00

Prunus virginiana Native                             Chokecherry
Small shrubby colonial tree, dark green leaves, white raceme flowers, and black cherries. Some will have good early red fall color. Zone 2. plugs 4.00

Ptelea trifoliata Native                                   Wafer-ash
Small shrubby tree, here to the size of a large Lilac. Deep green trifoliate leaves, small greenish flowers, and tan Elm-like seeds in clusters, hanging all winter. Will grow on the worst soils, gravels, and clay. Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Quercus alba Native                     White Oak
Wide spreading tree in an open setting. Light gray bark, deep green leaves with red and purple fall color. Does not like highly alkaline soil or root disturbance. Zone 3.

6" 5.00

Quercus aliena                                   Japanese White Oak
Wide low tree with the form of Bur Oak, not nearly as tall yellow tan fall color. Zone 4.
Next crop for 2026

Quercus bicolor Native                                 Swamp White Oak
Natively a lowland tree which will do fine in most upland plantings, growing to the size of Bur Oak. Glossy foliage with yellow tinged orange fall color. Avoid high pH soils. Zone 3.
Plug 5.00   

Quercus coccinea E USA                         Scarlet Oak
Tall Red Oak type with deeply cut leaves and scarlet fall color. Zone 4. 6-12” 4.00 Ready  June 2025


Quercus dentata                                   Emperor Oak

An Asian Oak that often grows in a contorted form to about 40' tall. Heavy texture deep green leaves that turn golden yellow mixed with brown in the fall. Large acorns in a decoration fringed cap. Zone 4           Sold out

Quercus ellipsoidalis Native                         Hill's Oak
Pyramidal tree with great red fall color when young, becoming much more open in age. Tolerates very poor sandy soils. Zone 3. 3-6" 5.00   

Quercus ilicifolia E USA                                Bear Oak
Shrubby Oak, growing on poor dry soils, fall color red to yellow, 8'. Zone 4 plug 5.00

Quercus imbricaria E USA                         Shingle Oak
Large Oak with pyramidal shape when young. Tolerant of most soils. New leaves reddish
becoming deep green. Rusty red fall color. Zone 4. 6-12" 5.00

Quercus lyrata E USA                              Overcup Oak
Large tree casting a light shade allowing sod beneath, unusual acorns nearly enclosed in the cap. Zone 5 12-18” 5.00

Quercus macrocarpa Native                           Bur Oak
Wide spreading Oak needing an open sunny site. Leaves with deep green upper and white lower surface. Yellow brown fall color. Bark deeply furrowed in age. Lower limbs become massive. Zone 2. 6"  5.00  


Quercus x bebbiana   Native                           Bebb's Oak
A natural occuring hybrid between Bur and White Oak with characteristics variable between the two. These often look more like White Oak with acorns falling at the time of Bur Oak.  Zone 4      Sold out


Quercus macrocarpa x bicolor Native Schuett's Oak
Trees more tolerant to high pH soils and have a more fibrous root than Q. macrocarpa. Zone 3. Sold out
Quercus marilandica E USA                           Blackjack Oak
Small tree, large shrub of barren soils, glossy deep green leaves, yellow fall color. Zone 5

Quercus michauxii E USA                                   Basket Oak
Lowland Oak of the southern Mid-west, large acorns, red fall color. Zone 5
12-18" 5.00

Quercus muehlenbergii Native                             Chinkapin Oak
Finer textured than most oaks, light tan bark, rich lustrous green leaves. Zone 3.
plug 5.00   12-18"  6.00


Quercus nigra  E USA                       Water Oak

A strikingly beautiful large fine textured Oak. Zone 6   plugs  5.00

Quercus palustris E USA                                    Pin Oak
Large pyramidal Oak with sweeping lower branches, deeply cut leaves. Fall color rusty to good red. Not for alkaline soil. Zone 4. plug 5.00


Quercus phellos  E USA                      Willow Oak
Fine textured wide growing Oak with narrow Willow like leaves and tiny acorns. Native to wetland but often planted where a large ornamental tree is suitable. Zone 5  plugs 5.00

Quercus prinoides E USA                           Shrub Chinkapin Oak
Shrub Oak in the White Oak group, grows well in the Oak barrens, yellow-brown fall color, 6-8'     Zone 4               plug 5.00

Quercus prinus E USA                                        Chestnut Oak
Medium sized coarse branched Oak with large deep green leaves and large acorns. .
Not for Alkaline soil. Zone 4. 6-12" 5.00

Quercus robur                                   English Oak
Large spreading Oak with small thick leaves staying green until late fall. Used as a rootstock for many cultivars. Zone 4. 12-18" 5.00

Quercus rubra Native                         Red Oak
Large Oak tolerant of some shade. Grows on most soils except very high pH. Zone 2.
6" 5.00

Quercus stellata E USA                             Post Oak
Medium sized tree from the White Oak group that does well on poor sandy soil. Zone 5-6
plugs 5.00

Quercus velutina Native                             Black Oak
The Oak dominating our sand soil counties. A bit slow growing the first few years, then faster. Foliage with a fuzzy underside and yellow fall color. Zone 2. plugs 5.00

Rhamnus alnifolia Native                       Alder Buckthorn
Dense deep green, shade tolerant, colonial shrub. Fullest in good sun. Foliage similar to R.frangula, only grows to 2.5'. Yellow green fall color. Zone 3. pots 5.00

Rhamnus carolina E USA              Carolina Buckthorn
Large shrub, dry woodlands. Zone 5. 3-6” 5.00 pots June 2025

All Rhododendron require an acid soil, pH below 6.0 is best. Soil may be made acidic by application of ferrous sulfate monohydrate or sulfur powder.


Rhododendron alabamense  SE USA      Alabama Azalea

A deep south version of R. viscosum found along streams with fragrant white flowers.

Zone 7      2026

Rhododendron arborescens E USA                         Smooth Azalea
Deciduous Azalea, white flowers in July-August, yellow red fall color. Our seed from 3800' in West Virginia. Zone 5  2.25" pot 5.00

Rhododendron atlanticum E USA Dwarf Azalea
Low growing deciduous Azalea forming colonies. Flowers pink to white as the leaves expand. Zone 5        2026

Rhododendron austrinum SE USA Florida Azalea
Mid Height deciduous Azalea to 4’ tall, yellow fragrant flowers. Apparently easily cultivated. Zone 6                  plugs 5.00 Ready June   2025

Rhododendron calendulaceum E USA                     Flame Azalea
Deciduous Azalea growing to 5' with flowers just after the leaves, yellow to red. Reddish fall leaf color. Our seed source are SE Missouri and 6000' in North Carolina. Zone 4. 2.25" pot  5.00


Rhododendron canadense                 Rhodora

Nice dense Azalea of the bogs and swamps. Pink/purple flowers.  Zone 3   plugs    5.00 Ready in june 2025

Rhododendron canescens SE USA                                Piedmont Azalea
Deciduous Azalea growing to 6’, Spring flowers white to pale pink, often with pink to red anthers. Zone 5-6 2.25” pot 5,00

Rhododendron carolinianum E USA                       Carolina Rhododendron
Evergreen shrub to 6' with white to pale pink/purple flowers. Zone 6. Our seed from both 6000' in North Carolina and 4000' North Carolina.  2.25" pot  5.00

Rhododendron catawbiense E USA                                  Catawba Rhododendron
Evergreen shrub to 6' with thick leathery leaves, Lilac purple flowered in July. Our seed from 6000' in North Carolina. Zone 5. 2.25" pot  5.00

Rhododendron maximum E USA                       Rosebay Rhododendron
Tall evergreen shrubs, natively forming large thickets in shade or in sun at high altitude. Flowers generally white to apple blossom pink. Our seed from several
sources varying from 2000 to 4700'. Zone 5. 2.25" pot  5.00


Rhododendron minus  SE  USA            Piedmont Rhododendron

Very similar to R. carolinianum with white to pink flowers and lighter green leaves. Often found growing on rocky ledges and open rocky forest. Zone 6     Pots  5.00

Rhododendron mucronulatum                         Korean Rhododendron
Evergreen shrub with small leaf and bright purple flowers. 4-6'. Zone 3. 2.25" pot  5.00

Rhododendron periclymenoides E USA                      Pinxter-Bloom
Deciduous Azalea growing to 8’ in the sun, 12’ in shade. Pink to white flowers in March to May by zone location. Our seed from 3500' in West Virginia and 2000' in Tennessee. Zone 4                                      2.25” pot 5.00

Rhododendron prinophyllum (roseum) E USA                      Roseshell Azalea
Deciduous shrubs with bright pink flowers and some fragrance. Fall color dull red. 6'. Our seed from 4600' in West Virginia and 1500' in Missouri. 2.25" pot  5.00

Rhododendron schlippenbachii                           Royal Azalea
Deciduous shrub with curious whorls of leaves near branch terminals. Rose pink flowers in mid-May with good fragrance. 4-7'. Zone 4. sold out

Rhododendron vaseyi North Carolina                       Pink Shell Azalea
Surprisingly hardy deciduous Azalea surviving in the Twin Cities, MN. Flowers pink with orange on the upper corolla. Our seed from 2700' and 5000' in North Carolina. Zone 4 2.25” pot 5.00

Rhododendron viscosum E USA                           Swamp Azalea
Deciduous shrub with glossy deep green summer leaves, rather open habit. White flowers with good fragrance. Our seed from the New Jersey pine barrens. Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Rhododendron yedoense poukhanense                    Korean Azalea
Semi-evergreen shrub to about 2.5', dark green summer foliage turns orange to deep red in fall. Flowers rose-purple. Hardy to -30F. Zone 3. pots 5.00

Rhodotypos scandens                            Jetbead
Bright green leaved shrub, 3-4' here, larger in the South. Showy 1" pure white flowers in May and June followed by 1-4 jet black shiny seeds. Yellow green fall color. Zone 5. 6-12"   5.00

Rhus aromatica USA                           Fragrant Sumac
Trifoliate sprawling shrub with red fall color. Takes tough dry sites. Zone 3.    pots  4.00  18” 5.00

Rhus copallina E USA                          Shining Sumac
Tall colonial shrub, white flower in July, bright red fall color. Zone 5  1 yr  5.00

Rhus glabra Native                         Smooth Sumac
Colonial 6-8' shrub with long compound leaves and red fall color. Zone 3.
6-12" 4.00 Ready June 2025   2-3' 5.00

Rhus typhina Native                   Staghorn Sumac
Taller growing colonial shrub with velvet-like fuzz on new growth. Orange to red fall color. 10-20'. In a confined site, they can be grown as a small tree. Zone 4. 6-12" 4.00 Ready June 2025

Ribes americanum Native                           American Black Currant
Small coarse shrub with no thorns, black fruit. Zone 2. 6-12” 5.00

Ribes glandulosum Native                            Swamp Skunk Currant
Low growing wetland shrub, hairy red fruit. Zone 2 2.25” pot 5.00 

Ribes missouriensis Native                        Missouri Gooseberry
Coarse small shrub with bright red thorns, black fruit. 3'. Aggressive groundcover in Bur Oak savanna.Zone 3. 6” 5.00 12-18" 6.00

Ribes odoratum W USA                               Clove currant
Tall arching shrub with racemes of clove scented yellow flowers, very showy. Red and maroon fall color. 6-8'. Zone 3.      12-18"   6.00

Rosa blanda Native                                  Meadow Rose
Colonial rose growing to 4' with very few thorns, clear pink 2-3" flowers in June. Zone 3.
2.5” pot 5.00 Ready June 2025

Rosa carolina Native                   Carolina Rose
Small growing colonial native rose with few thorns. Flowers in June, varying shades of pink. Nice red fall color and the red hips stay bright red most of the winter. 2-3'. Zone 3.
6-12"   5.00

Rosa palustris Native                                Swamp Rose
Thorny profuse flowering rose growing thickly to 4-7', red fall color, and .5-1" red hips staying red all winter. Flowers a deep rich pink. Zone 3. pots    5.00

Rosa setigera Native                            Prairie Rose
Arching caned rose with a form like Blackberry. Long sprays of clear pink flowers. Zone
6-12” 5.00

Rosa virginiana E USA                            Virginia Rose
2" pink flowers, red winter canes, red persistent fruits. Zone 3.12-18"    5.00

Rosa woodsii Native/ W USA Wood's Rose
A dry soil rose, pink flowers 2", plants growing to 3'. Zone 3.    18” 5.00

Rubus alleghaniensis Native                        Blackberry
Our native blackberry, arching thorny canes, white flowers and black fruit in late August. Zone 3 Divisions  5.00

Rubus hispidus Native                                       Dewberry
Low growing evergreen blackberry when under snow, generally sandy acid soils, small black fruit, wine purple winter color. Zone 3 RC 5.00

Rubus idaeus canadensis Native                                Northern Raspberry
Common colonial raspberry along roads and in clear-cut of Wisconsin, red fruit. Zone 2
1yr canes 4.00

Rubus occidentalis Native                    Black Raspberry
Long arching canes rooting at the far tip to form colony, white flowers and black fruit.

Zone 4          2 year 4.00

Rubus odoratus E USA                         Purple Flowering Raspberry
Appalachian species with maple-like leaves, also thornless stems growing to 6’ tall. Very showy 1.5” purple flowers in the summer followed by red ‘Thimble berries’. A more vigorous colony former here in southern Wisconsin than Thimbleberry. Zone

                                       plugs     5.00   Divisions 6.00

Rubus parviflorus Native                        Thimbleberry
A thornless species with Maple-like leaves and large, 1.5" white flowers, red fruit. Grows well on most soils in sun or light shade. For fruiting in USDA Zone 5a or colder they require good deep snow cover. Zone Zone  3  

                          plugs    5.00                                                                                           

Salix alba chermesina                             Orange-bark Willow
Pyramidal tree to 40' with bright orange winter bark. Showy from a great distance. Zone 3.
2.25” pot 5.00 Ready June 2025

Salix alba 'Tristis'                           Golden Weeping Willow
Large weeping tree. Quite an accent when planted near water, a bit messy for sites near homes. Zone 4. 6-12"   4.00

Salix amygdaloides Native                            Peach-leaved Willow
Small wetland tree, peach like foliage, small spring catkins. Zone 4 18” 5.00

Salix bebbiana Native                                   Bebb's Willow
Tall tree-like shrub, beautiful rugose deep green foliage. Zone 2 2.25" pot  5.00 Ready in June 2025

Salix chaenomeloides Japanese Pussy Willow
Large shrub with enormous catkins in spring. Zone 4 2.25” pot  5.00

Salix discolor Native                         Pussy Willow
Large shrub with good show of male catkins, 1.75" long. Winter buds black. We can provide either male or female plants. Zone 3. Livestake 2.00    2.25" pot 5.00 Ready in June 2025

Salix exigua Native                                 Coyote Willow
Pine barrens species much like Prairie Willow, but growing larger. Zone 2 Live stake 3.00

Salix humilus microphyllus Native                       Prairie Willow
3-7' gray green leaved shrub, very dense form. Grows in either wet or dry soils. Good display of .5" male catkins in spring. Our plants of both sexes. Zone 3. 2.25” pot 5.00

Salix interior Native                                      Sandbar Willow
Aggressive fine textured Willow forming large colonies which decrease in age and height from the colony center. Needs space. 10-15'. Zone 3. 18" Livestake 3.00

Salix lucida Native                                  Shining Willow
Wetland shrub growing to 10', very shiny green foliage. Zone 2 2.25” pot 5.00


Salix myricoides Native                         Blue-leaf Willow

Lower growing wide arching Willow with nice large spring catkins that progress through a pure white stage. Growing to 6' x10'. Zone 3      Sold out

Salix nigra Native                           Black Willow
Lowland tree of medium texture, useful for restoration work. They may be broken over the years by storms but they never seem to die, growing back quickly. Zone 3. 6-12” 5.00

Salix petiolaris Native                                          Slender Willow
Large fine textured Willow, growing in most of our lowland areas. 15' shrubs. Zone 3.
Livestake .75    2.25” pot 5.00

Salix sericea Native                              Red-osier Willow
Rounded regular semi-globe shrub to 7', red winter twigs. Zone 2 2.25” pot 5.00 June

Salix syrticola Native                              Dune Willow
Large rather open shrub, densely white wooly leaves into early summer. Zone 3 2.25” pot 5.00 ready June 2025

Sambucus canadensis Native                         Elderberry
Coarse compound leaves, coarse canes, large flat clusters of creamy white flowers in June. Profuse black BB-sized fruit in large clusters in August and September. Edible fruit used in jams and for wine. Zone 3. 6-12"    5.00   12-18" 6.00

Sambucus pubens Native                          Red Elderberry
Form much like the above species, more of a colonial grower. Creamy white cone shaped flower clusters in early spring, red BB-sized berries in June and July. Plants are very tolerant of shade and even flower in Hemlock woods. FRUIT POISONOUS! Zone 2.

6-12"    5.00

Shepherdia argentea E USA                             Buffaloberry
Tall rather sparse shrubs with gray leaves and bright red fruit clustered around the stems. Perhaps better growing in dry sited, sunny areas. 18'. Zone 4. 12-18"  6.00

Shepherdia canadensis Native                          Russet Buffaloberry
Dense growing with deep green upper and rusty lower surface leaves. Bright red fruit along the branches in June. Lover of heavy clay soils. 3-6'. Zone 2.

2.5" pot    6.00

Sophora japonica                                  Scholartree
Round headed medium height tree with compound leaves and white flowers in mid-summer. Seed pods look like Styrofoam beads in short chains, remain most of the winter. Zone 5/6.  2026

Sorbus americana Native                      American Mountain-ash
Very short flat headed tree with creamy white flowers in large clusters at branch terminals,
followed by enormous flat clusters of BB-sized orange red berries. Needs a moist open site to show well. Orange red fall color., 10-20'. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 5.00

Sorbus decora Native                          Showy Mountain-ash
Our native species with form much like the above, somewhat coarser tree, larger flowers and fruit clusters. Berries a deep red. Fall color a good red. 45'. Zone 3.  2026


Spiraea alba Native                            Meadowsweet

Colonial Spiraea with terminal cones of white flowers. Fair yellow red fall color. Red new bark in winter. Good naturalizing shrub in wet meadows. 4-6' Zone 2. 2.25” pot 5.00


Spiraea douglasii  WUSA                    Douglas Spirea

Western wetland species with pink flowers.  Zone 3     Pots 5.00

Spiraea prunifolia plena                       True Bridal Wreath
5' shrubs with small glossy cherry-like leaves. Bright yellow orange and red fall color. Branches covered with double white flowers in spring which can last several weeks if the weather stays cool. Zone 4. Pots  5.00

Spiraea 'Shibori' (Shirobana)                  Peppermint Spirea
Fairly dense shrub with a mix of medium green and deep green leaves. Flowers white-pink and mixed throughout the plant. Pretty show all summer. Zone 5. 6-12” 5.00

Spiraea tomentosa Native                         Hardhack Spirea
Marsh and waters edge species with spires of clear pink flowers, leaves rich green above whitelower surface. 3'. Zone 2.    2.25" pot 5.00

Spiraea 'VH'                               Vanhoutte Spirea
Large arching shrub with blue green summer leaves. Yellow red fall color. Massive display of white flowers the end of May. Zone 3. SWC 5.00

Staphylea trifolia Native                                Bladdernut
Very shade tolerant colonial shrub with a nice display of white 1" bell flowers in May. Plants
covered with 2" inflated bladders in fall and winter. Zone 3. 3-6" 5.00

Stephenandra incisa 'Crispa'                            Cutleaf Stephenandra
Groundcover in full sun with arching branches that mound upon themselves to 3', foliage with a reddish tinge all summer. Zone 4. 6-12" 5.00

Symphoricarpus albus                                    Native Snowberry
Colonial shrub with blue green leaves and tiny pink flowers followed by large white berries along the stem. Grows well in shade. 6' Zone 4  6-12"   5.00

Symphoricarpus occidentalis Native                       Wolfberry
Lower growing shrub of the sand barrens, new shoots very stiffly upright to 2-3’ on richer soils. Tiny pink bell flowers in the spring, white puffy fruit in the late summer and early fall. Best in full sun. Zone 3   SWC   5.00

Symphoricarpus orbiculatus C USA                          Coralberry
Fine textured shrub with small leaves, twigs covered with tiny magenta berries into winter. Will form a colony as some of the new branches are prostrate stolons, 4'. Zone 4

6-12” 5.00

Syringa 'James Mac Farlane'
Pale green leaved late Lilac with single clear pink flowers. 8'. Zone 3. SWC    5.00

Syringa 'Josee''
Hybrid of S. meyeri x S. microphylla x S. patula grows to 6' with very fragrant long trusses of pink flowers. Has some rebloom in late summer. Leaves half the size of S. 'Miss Kim'. Zone 4. SWC 5.00

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'                         Korean Lilac
Dwarf dense Lilac with shiny deep green leaves. Purplish in the fall. Purple flowers.

Zone 4. 6-12" 5.00

Syringa 'Miss Canada'
Late Lilac to 6' with lavender flowers. Zone 3. SWC    5.00

Syringa 'Miss Kim'
Dense Lilac to 5' with loads of pale purple flowers, purplish fall color. Zone 3.

Syringa pekinensis                                   Peking Lilac
Tree form Lilac with green satin leaves, large white flower trusses in June. Some seedlings will
have peeling "varnished" bark. Somewhat purple fall color. Zone 4.
2.25" pot 5.00


Syringa 'Royalty'

Late blooming lilac with large deep green leaves. Deep purple flower buds opening a rich purple.  Eight feet tall   Zone 3   6-12"   5.00

Syringa reticulata                            Japanese Tree Lilac
Tree Lilac with very large white flower trusses in June. Tan seed clusters all winter. Zone 3.
6-12" 5.00   12-18"   6.00

Syringa 'Evangeline'

Early fragrant Lilac with red-purple blooms growing 8' tall. Zone 4   6-8"   6.00


Syringa 'Excel'                                  Excel Lilac

Light pink lavender single flowers in large panicles, excellent fragrance. To 8' tall and wide.   Zone 4     SWC    6.00


Syringa oblata 'Cheyenne'         Cheyenne Lilac

A very hardy pale lavender flowered Lilac with purple- yellow fall color. To 10' tall and wide.

Zone 3    SWC   6.00

Tilia americana Native                       American Linden
Large tree with deep green leaves, fragrant yellow flowers in July. Tan dry seeds on a tan winged pedicel , persist till early winter. Zone 3. Plugs  4.00  6-12"   5.00


Tilia cordata                                        Littlleaf Linden
Large tree with deep gren leaves, fragrant flowers and tan seeds in early winter. Susceptible to Japanese Beetle damage.   Zone 3   6-12"   5.00 


Ulmus americana Native                             American Elm
Tall vase tree being planted some in wetlands. Very susceptible to Dutch Elm Disease. Pure butter yellow fall color. Zone 3. 12-18"    5.00

Ulmus parvifolia                                    Lacebark Elm
Medium height tree with small leaves and greenish white flowers in early fall, winged seed in October. Some seedlings will have red fall color, bark flaking to show various browns and green.  Zone 4. 6-12" 5.00

Ulmus rubra Native                               Red Elm
Less regular form tree with larger leaves, some resistance to the disease. Yellow in fall. Zone 2.       2026

Vaccinium angustifolium Native                       Lowbush Blueberry
Low plants to 18" forming great mats in open sun, sandy soil. Small white bell flowers and very tasty small blue fruit. Fire red fall color. Needs acid soil. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 4.00


Vaccinium arboreum  SE USA                          Farkleberry

Tall nearly evergreen dense branched shrub to 12' tall. White bell flowers followed by shiny black fruit which are fairly dry fresh but usable in cooking. Very hard durable wood used for walking sticks. Shiny deep green leaves turn a rich red in very late fall. Zone 6   plugs   5.00


Vaccinium erythrocarpum  SE USA              Southern Mountain Cranberry

Late ripening black fruited blueberry of the southern Appalachian highlands, pink cranberry like flowers with the petals folded back. Fruit used in jelly. Zone 5    2026

Vaccinium macrocarpon Native                         Large Cranberry
Stronger growing evergreen groundcover, larger deep red fruit. Zone 2. 2.25" pot 4.00

Vaccinium membranaceum Native                       Mountain Bilberry
An unusual blueberry/dangleberry from the south shore of Lake Superior. Most commonly a Rocky Mountain species. Large black fruit best used in pies and not for fresh eating. Growing to 18-24” tall with shiny 2” green leaves and red stems. Zone 4    pots    5.00 June 2023

Vaccinium myrtilloides Native                      Velvet Blueberry
Similar to V. angustifolium, usually in some shade. Velvety leaves and later ripening fruit. Zone 2.                2.25" pot 5.00

Vaccinium ovalifolium Native                     Oval-leaf Bilberry
A pretty bluegreen leaved small colonial shrub to 18” tall with berries covered with a nice blue bloom. Grows well in semi-shaded sites on acid soils. The fruits are best used in pies and muffins. Zone 4                        Sold out

Vaccinium oxycoccus Native                            Small Cranberry
Dainty evergreen groundcover with tiny leaves and small pink bell flowers followed by small speckled cranberries. Maroon fall color. Best on very moist and acid soil. Zone 2.
2.25" pot 5.00


Vaccinium stamineum               Gooseberry Blueberry

Four foot tall shrubs with green to blush .5 inch berries useful when cooked. Fall foliage pale colorful.  Sold out

Viburnum acerifolium Native                               Mapleleaf Viburnum
Sprawling shrub in deep shade with white flowers, black fruit. Pastel fall color of cream, pink, and red. May shipment. Zone 3. SWC    5.00

Viburnum burejaeticum                                      Manchurian Viburnum
Tall shrub with Lantana-like leaves, finer textured. Red yellow fall color. White flowers and fruit that progresses from red to black. Zone 4. 6-12” 5.00

Viburnum carlesii                                        Korean Spice Viburnum
Colorful medium shrub with fragrant pink white flowers, dull to deep green leaves and yellow red fall color. May shipment. Zone 4. SWC potted 5.00

Viburnum cassinoides Native                   Withrod Viburnum
6' shrub with deep lustrous green leaves, red fall color. White flowers and fruit which turns bright pink then blue. Zone 3. SWC 5.00

Viburnum dentatum E USA                        Arrowwood Viburnum
Medium tall shrub with creamy white flowers and clusters of blue fruit in late summer. Leaves from dull to glossy green. Fall color yellow to burgundy. Zone 3.
SWC 5.00 12-18" 7.00


Viburnum dentatum pubescens                       Downy Arrowwood Viburnum
Denser growing, deep green glossy leaves and later flowers and fruit. Zone 4. SWC 5.00

Viburnum x juddii                              Judd Viburnum
Much like V. carlesii with only slightly less fragrant flowers. More open habit in youth, less
leafspot problems. May shipment. Zone 4. SWC 5.00

Viburnum lantana                         Wayfaring Viburnum
Large shrub with medium to deep green felty rugose leaves, creamy white flowers and fruit which colors from red to black. Some maroon fall color and semi-evergreen with snow cover. 6-10'.   Zone 3 6-12" 5.00

Viburnum lantana 'Variegata'
Growth like that of V.l.'Mohican' except for speckled white on the foliage. Zone 3.
Sold out

Viburnum lentago Native                                 Nannyberry
Tall suckering shrub with leaves similar to a Peach. Creamy white flowers, clusters of blue black fruit. 15'. Occasionally trained as a single stem, small tree. Fall color red tones. Zone 3.    6” 5.00

Viburnum molle C USA                               Kentucky Viburnum
Species with wider leaves than V. dentatum, white flowers and black fruit. Fall color a red black and the peeling bark adds interest in winter. 7'. Zone 4. pots 5.00


Viburnum nudum SE USA                       Smooth Withrod

Almost tropical looking shrub of the coastal lowlands. Glossy deep green leaves with bright red-orange fall color. Large clusters of creamy white flowers followed by bright blueberry blue fruit. Grows to 6' tall. Zone 5-6     pots   5.00

Viburnum prunifolium E USA                     Blackhaw Viburnum
Small tree form plant with thick green leaves remaining into November. Creamy white bloom and blue fruit. 15-20'. Zone 4. SWC 5.00 6-12” 6.00

Viburnum prunifolium 'Summer Charm'
Same form with reddish new leaves and red fall color. Has been used for a nice hedge. Zone 4  SWC 5.00

Viburnum rafinesquianum Native                             Rafinesque Viburnum
Our selection for glossy green thick leaves which turn a rich burgundy in fall, the color persisting for weeks. Nice full growth with white flowers and glossy black fruit. Does not suffer powdery mildew as most of this species seem to. To 5'. Zone 3. pots   5.00

Viburnum sargentii  'Flava'                         Yellow Fruit Sargent Viburnum
Large robust growing shrub with white lacecap flowers and persistent yellow fruit. Zone 3
Sold out

Viburnum sieboldii                                 Siebold Viburnum
Tall tree form or large shrub with large glossy deep green leaves, creamy white flowers and fruit which starts pink and turns black. 20'. Zone 4.  Sold out

Viburnum trilobum Native                         American Cranberry Viburnum
Our native lowland Cranberry Viburnum. White flowers with few sterile outer flowers, deep green Foliage often reddish when opening. Red fall color and red fruit. Does fine in upland soil. 10-12'. Zone 2. SWC 5.00    3-6” 5.00

Viburnum trilobum 'Bailey Compact'
Much like the above form. Green new leaves and bit more vigorous. 4-5'. Zone 3.
SWC 5.00

Viburnum trilobum 'Compactum'
Also similar to the ones above. Has some flowers and fruit when older. Zone 3.
SWC 4.00

Weigela 'Red '
Fairly dense growing, very hardy bright red non-fading flowered cultivar. Some rebloom
throughout the season. 4-5'. Zone 4. SWC 5.00

Wisteria macrostachya E USA                          Kentucky Wisteria
Tall growing vine with compound leaves and purple blue flowers at the cane terminals after the leaves are out. Very pretty on a trellis. Long, .5" diameter beans add a tan accent all winter, clusters to 18". Zone 4. 2.25" pot 5.00

Xanthoceras sorbifolia                       Yellowhorn
Small tree with Mountain Ash-like leaves and 1" white flowers in June followed by 3" brown seed capsules. Zone 4. 6"    5.00

Xanthorhiza simpissima E USA                   Yellowroot
Dense growing groundcover with Celery like foliage, small purple-green flower panicles below the new foliage. Yellow to purple fall color. Zone 4 2.5” pots 5.00

Yucca filamentosa E USA                     Adam's Needle
Rosette of lance shaped 1-2" wide leaves to 2' with a central spike of waxy white 2" flowers in July, followed by stalk of brown black seed capsules. Zone 4.  1 yr    5.00

Yucca glauca W USA Soapweed Yucca
Finer textured rosette of spike-like leaves .5-1" wide and blue green. Larger spike of waxy flowers and much larger seed capsules. Flowers more greenish white. Zone 3.  1 yr   5.00

Zanthoxylum americanum Native                    Prickly-Ash
Thicket forming shrub with small Ash-like leaves, strong citrus odor when bruised. Fall color yellow red. September display of small red fruit covering the branches. Best used where well confined and out of traffic. 10-12". Zone 3. 6-12" 5.00

Iris versicolor Native                   Blue Flag
Our native iris of marshes and swamps. Zone 3  1 yr   5.00  Ready fall 2025


Abies balsamea Native                         Balsam Fir

Conical growing evergreen tree best grown from USDA zone 5 north. Very tolerant of shade and moist to wet soils. Provide some shade in the more southern plantings. At maturity the trees have a spire/steeple top 10 feet. Deep green flat needles, can be grown for Christmas Trees. Zone 2       Pots   5.00


Abies Canaan                               Canaan Fir

These are the ecotype from West Virginia which tolerate more summer heat. Zone 3                   Quarts  7.00


Abies concolor                      Concolor Fir

Nicely tiered branch Fir with upturned blue/green needles. Zone 4  Qt   7.00

Juniperus communis depressa Native                  Oldfield Juniper
Wide growing, very prickly Juniper with bright green summer color and bronze winter color. 3-4' high and 10-20' wide. Useful in dry native plantings. Zone 2. Sold out

Juniperus horizontalis Native              Creeping Juniper
Low spreader with deep green summer color and purple blue winter color. Forms a dense
groundcover 6-8" high. Soft texture.   Zone 3. 6"   5.00

Juniperus virginiana Native        Eastern Redcedar
Medium tall evergreen, bronze winter color.  12-18” 6.00

Larix laricina Native                    Tamarack
Fast growing deciduous conifer, green-blue summer foliage, golden fall color. Needs ample moisture. Zone 2 plugs  5.00   pots 6.00

Picea glauca Native                    White Spruce
Tall fairly fast growing evergreen, green-blue foliage Zone 2   6-12"  5.00

Picea glauca densata W USA                               Black Hills Spruce
Very dense growing White Spruce. Zone 3. 2026

Picea mariana Native                            Black Spruce
Smaller growing Spruce with dense short needles, growing most often in wetland and bog sites.  Zone 2      pots 5.00


Picea meyeri                         Meyer Spruce

Dense fairly slow growing Spruce with good blue green color. Zone 4   pots 6.00


Pinus banksiana Native              Jack Pine

Fast growing Pine mainly used for lumber production. Jack Pine can be very unique wide conical trees when grown widely spaced in an open site. Tolerant of very poor sandy soils, roots very resistant to rot. We know of a CCC planting through a bog, the trees are 90 years old and only 20 ft tall and 3-4" in diameter; remarkable survival!  6-12" 5.00


Pinus cembra siberica                Siberian Stone Pine

Slower growing dense needled pyramidal Pine with soft needles similar to Eastern White Pine   Zone 2  2026


Pinus peuce                           Balkan Pine

Also slow growing five needle pine with a soft texture and blue green needles.

Pinus pungens E USA                                 Table Mountain Pine
Billowing picturesque pine of the Appalachian Mt. tops. Fast growth on slightly acidic soil, large prickly cones. Zone 5 plug 5.00

Pinus strobus Native                                    Eastern White Pine
Tall growing soft texture pine. Zone 3.       6-12"  5.00

Taxus canadensis Native                       Canada Yew

A wonderful native medium height evergreen groundcover for semi and deep shade. Grows from 2-6' tall and spreads as it roots down. Somewhat vase shaped growth pattern of deep green flat needles with occassional red fruits about 1 cm in diameter. These need shade and deer protection to survive.  RC  5.00   pots  6.00


Taxus cuspidata nana                   Dwarf Japanese Yew

Ours are grown from the true Japanese form, growing to 3 feet tall with deep green dense growth.  pots    6.00


Taxus cuspidata 'Tauntoni'                     Taunton Japanese Yew

A very hardy spreading Japanese Yew, growing to 5' naturally. these can be trimmed to stay at any desired height.  RC  5.00

Thuja occidentalis Native                       Eastern White Cedar
Medium tall, dense evergreen tree. Zone 3. Sold Out

Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald'
Slower growing bright green and dense pyramid. 10' x 3'. RC 5.00

Thuja occidentalis 'Fastigiata'                          Pyramidal Arborvitae
Tall fast narrow pyramid. Golden green in winter. 50' x 6'. RC 5.00

Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup'
Irregular slow pyramid, eventually to 12', with very dense growth, bronze in winter. RC 5.00


Thuja occidentalis 'Trautman'

A dense bright green conical shape evergreen with great winter wind hardiness. Selected by nurseryman Herbert Trautman after a brutal winter that damaged most American Arborvitae.   RC   5.00

Thuja occidentalis 'Techny'
One of the best for winter color, a wide pyramid. Benefits from shearing a year before digging for sale. RC 5.00

Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Wintergreen'
Fast growing conical shape, almost always with only one terminal leader, less prone to snow splitting. Glossy dark green color. Forms a dense wall as they age. Winter color green with a hint of black.        Pots  6.00

Thuja occidentalis 'Woodwardii'        Globe Arborvitae
Fast dense globe form to 6'. Bronze winter color. RC 4.00 June 2025

Thuja plicata W USA         Western Redcedar
Fast growing tall tree with typical evergreen shape. Appearance much like a Hemlock from a distance Quite graceful and deep green all year. One great feature is White-tailed deer do not browse these. Zone 4 RC 5.00 Ready June 2025


Tsuga Canadensis  Native                   Canadian Hemlock

Large graceful evergreen tree of the northwoods and ravines of southern Wisconsin. Prefers shaded sites out of dry winter winds. Zone 3   pots 5.00

Taxodium distichum E USA                       Bald Cypress
Not evergreen, but we'll list it here. Large pyramidal tree becomes round topped when old. Fresh light green spring foliage, golden brown fall color. Seems to do just fine here in Zone 4. Does not need a wet site.  24"    6.00


This list is our retail price, purchases of quantities of 25 or more of a single variety will be at 60% of the list price each.

Limits of liability- All nursery stock is sold with only the guarantee of being shipped in good live condition, we will replace items if we are notified of death or damage within 10 days of shipping date. All sales subject to our crop supply at shipping time. Some jostling of potted material via UPS is to be expected. All plants shipped in out of season (winter or summer here) travel at buyer risk.

Shipping- All plants shipped UPS ground unless air shipment is requested. No shipments to California. Canada requires a $50 Phytosanitary Certificate. No pots to Oregon or Washington. Some plants ie, Quercus, not available to the west coast. This is due to quarantine and customs regulations. Our shipping seasons are Late-September through October, and Late-March through early June. All shipping charged at actual cost. Pick-up from our nursery location must be arranged one week in advance. All Bareroot material must be shipped in March, April and October.

Payment- We request 50% deposit at the time of ordering, remainder will be billed after shipping and will include shipping charges. Payment past due, 30 days, will be subject to 1.5% interest per month. Accounts past 90 days overdue will be sent for collection by our collection agency.

Cultural Information Restoration Information
We are most happy to answer any questions about our plants and their culture in the nursery or landscape.

********CATALOG SYMBOLS KEY********
Livestake Unrooted hardwood cuttings 12-24” long
HWC Rooted hardwood cutting, year prior to sale
SWC Rooted softwood cutting, summer prior to sale
RC Rooted cutting, usually an evergreen
TT Twice transplanted
Nat. Seed or cuttings from native Wisconsin plants or their offspring in our nursery
TP Treepot 5" deep square pot either 2.5 or 3" square
1-1 1 year in propagation bed, 1 year as a transplant.
2-1 2 years in propagation bed, 1 year as a transplant
2-2 2 years in propagation bed, 2 years as a transplant
2.25" Small plant in small plastic pot, generally these are the rarer more difficult plants for us to produce.
3-6",6-12" The height of the plant, most of our plants are 1-3 years old.




Contact Us Today!

Reeseville Ridge Nursery

512 S. Main St.

Reeseville  WI 53579

+1 920-927-3291

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